10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017
10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 CATALOG NUMBER 10 www.midwestwheel.com NLINE www.midwestwheel.com Order NLINE ⢠Technical Service Bulletin PCTSB-2017-01 There are four basic heavy duty coolant formulation technologies: ⢠Inorganic Additive technology ⢠Hybrid Organic Acid Technology ⢠Nitrite Organic Acid Technology ⢠Nitrite Free Organic Acid Technology There are other coolant technologies but they pertain to Automotive Light and Medium Duty vehicles. Inorganic Additive Technology Coolant (IAT): Known as HD Conventional green; other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles, and other inorganic compounds. This type of coolant formulation is not used today in factory fill. When used in a HD application during a complete fill SCA must be added to bring inhibitor levels up to proper protection. The HD technician must monitor and recharge the coolant, when necessary, for proper protection. The optimum change interval for this type of coolant is 3000 hours, 1 year, or 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The change interval would be based on the OE manufacturer recommended preventative maintenance schedule. HD Extended Service Interval Coolant (IAT): This is also an inorganic additive technology coolant known as an ESI type coolant. This formulation may still be used for factory fill in some heavy duty cooling systems. When following TMC recommend practices the color should be purple, pink or blue, but other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles and other inorganic compounds. ESI coolants are pre-charged with the acceptable levels of inhibitors and SCAs do not need to be added at initial fill or after a proper flush and fill. Supplemental Coolant Additives must be monitored and recharged when necessary. It is recommended that ESI coolants have a lab analysis completed at least once a year to monitor ethylene glycol condition and for contaminates, such as, metals, corrosion by-products, and outside contaminates. Lab analysis can be used to determine coolant condition and change interval. Hybrid Organic Acid Technology Coolant (HOAT): This type of coolant is typically not used as heavy duty factory fill in the United States. HOAT coolants typically utilize a combination of organic acids and inorganic additives, such as, low silicate, nitrite and nitrate in the inhibitor package. HOAT coolant comes in multiple colors depending on the coolant manufacturer but are typically red and yellow. Following TMC Recommended Practice: RP-365 - Coolant Maintenance Guidelines preventative maintenance on a HOAT coolant is typically performed on an interval of 25,000 miles or as specified by the engine manufacturer, similar to an HD IAT coolant. Heavy Duty Coolant Technologies Overview Technical Service Bulletin Page 1 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation There are four basic heavy duty coolant formulation technologies: ⢠Inorganic Additive technology ⢠Hybrid Organic Acid Technology ⢠Nitrite Organic Acid Technology ⢠Nitrite Free Organic Acid Technology There are other coolant technologies but they pertain to Automotive Light and Medium Duty vehicles. Inorganic Additive Technology Coolant (IAT): Known as HD Conventional green; other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles, and other inorganic compounds. This type of coolant formulation is not used today in factory fill. When used in a HD application during a complete fill SCA must be added to bring inhibitor levels up to proper protection. The HD technician must monitor and recharge the coolant, when necessary, for proper protection. The optimum change interval for this type of coolant is 3000 hours, 1 year, or 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The change interval would be based on the OE manufacturer recommended preventative maintenance schedule. HD Extended Service Interval Coolant (IAT): This is also an inorganic additive technology coolant known as an ESI type coolant. This formulation may still be used for factory fill in some heavy duty cooling systems. When following TMC recommend practices the color should be purple, pink or blue, but other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or b rate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles and other inorganic compounds. ESI coolants are pre-charged with the acceptable levels of inhibitors and SCAs do not need to be added at initial fill r aft r a proper flush and fill. Supplemental Coolant Additives must be monitored and recharged when necessary. It is recommended that ESI coolants have a lab analysis completed at least once a year to monitor ethylene glycol condition and for co aminates, such as, metals, corrosion by-products, and outside contaminates. Lab analys can be used to determine coolant conditio a d change interval. Hybrid Orga ic Acid Technology Coolant (HOAT): Thi type of coolant is typically not used as heavy duty factory fill in the United States. HOAT coolants typically utilize a combination of organic acids and inorganic additiv s, such as, low silica e, nitrite d nitrate in the inhibitor package. HOAT coolant comes in multiple col rs depending on the c olant manufactur r but are typically red and yell w. Following TMC Recommended Practice: RP-365 - Coolant Maintenance Guidelines preventative maintenance on a HOAT coolant is typically performed on an interval of 25,000 miles or as specified by the engine manufacturer, similar to an HD IAT coolant. Heavy Duty Coolant Technologies Overview There are four basic heavy duty coolant formulation technologi s: ⢠⢠Inorganic Additive technology ⢠⢠Hybrid Organic Acid Technology ⢠⢠Nitrite Organic Acid Technology ⢠⢠Nitrite Free Organic Acid Techn logy There are oth r coolant technologi s bu they pertain to Automotive Light and Medium Duty vehicles. Inorganic Additive Technology Coolant (IAT): Known as HD Conventional gree ; other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles, and other inorganic compounds. This type of coolant formulation is not used today in factory fill. When used in a HD application during a complete fill SCA must be added to bring inhibitor levels up to proper protection. The HD technician must monitor an recharge the c olant, when necessary, for proper protection. The optimum change interval for this type o coolant is 3000 hour , 1 year, or 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The ch nge interval w uld be bas d on the OE manufacturer recom- mended preventative maintenance schedule. HD Exten ed Service Interv l Coolant (IAT): This is also an norganic additiv technology coolant k own as an ESI type coolant. This formulation may still be used for factory fill in some heavy duty cooling systems. When following TMC recommend practice the color should be pu ple, pink or blue, but other colors are used as well. This is low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borat , nitrat , nitrite, azoles and other inorganic compounds. ESI olants are pre-charged with the acceptable levels of inhibitors and SCAs do not need to b dd d at initial fill or after a proper flush a fill. Supplement l Coolant Additiv s ust be monit red and recharged w e n cessa y. It is recommended that ESI coolants have a l b analysis complet d at least once a year to monitor ethylene glycol condition and for contaminates, such as, metals, c rr sion by-products, and outside contaminates. Lab analysis can be used to determine coolant condition and cha ge interval. Hybrid Organic Acid Technology Co lant (HOAT): This type of coolant is typically not used as heavy duty fa tory fill in the United States. HOAT coolants typically util ze a combination of organic acids and inorganic additives, such as, low silicate, nitrite and nitrate in the inh bitor packag . HOAT coolant comes in multiple colors depending on the coolant manufacturer but are typically red and yellow. Following TMC Recommended Pr ctice: RP-365 - Coolant Maintenance Guid lines preventativ maintenance on a HOAT coola t is typically performed o an interv l of 25,000 miles or as specified by the engine manufacturer, similar to an HD IAT coolant. Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 2 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Nitrite Organic Acid Technology Coolant (NOAT): This coolant does not contain inorganic inhibitors, such as, silicate or borate. It is an organic inhibitor base with nitrite and, potentially, molybdate for extra cavitation pitting control. NOAT coolant is known as an Extended Life Coolant or HD ELC. NOAT coolants have been very common in factory fill applications, but many OEMs are now transitioning to HD Nitrite Free OAT coolant. NOAT coolants protect the cooling system much longer and with less maintenance than Conventional (IAT) coolants. There is no need to monitor SCA or install SCA charged coolant filters. TMC recommended practice color is Red, but other colors are used as well. NOAT type coolant protects HD cooling system components up to 6000 hours or 300,000 miles. You can extend this protection by adding an Extender at 6000 hours or 300,000 mile interval. This gives a protection up to 12,000 hours or 600,000 miles. A lab analysis is recommended before adding the Extender. This analysis allows the technician to decide, to add an Extender, or flush and fill the system with new coolant. Do not use a charged coolant filter with NOAT HD ELC coolant. Nitrite Free Organic Acid Technology Coolant (NF OAT): This coolant is known as HD Nitrite Free Extended Life Coolant or HD NF ELC and it uses organic inhibitors and, potentially, molybdate and/or nitrate. This coolant uses organic inhibitors, molybdate and/or nitrate to help control corrosion and cavitation erosion in a cooling system. It does not contain inorganic inhibitors, such as, Silicate, Nitrite, and Borate. There is no need to monitor SCA and do not install a SCA charged coolant filter. HD NF OAT coolant is used in some HD vehicles for factory fill. The color is typically yellow, red, or blue but other colors may be used as well. HD NF OAT coolant protects the cooling system for up to 12,000 hours or 600,000 miles. No Extender is needed, but it is recommended to test the coolant at least twice a year with organic inhibitor test strips to test organic inhibitors, pH, and freeze point levels. It is also recommended to have a lab analysis completed at 6,000 hours or 300,000 miles to check the condition and contaminate levels of the coolant. Heavy Duty Coolant Technologies Overview (continued) It is not recommend to use an IAT or NOAT type coolant to top-off HD NF OAT coolant. If coolant is mixed it should not exceed 25% capacity. Follow recommended test procedures to determine if the cooling system needs to be flushed and refilled. It is also not recommended to use a HD NF OAT type coolant to top-off a HD IAT type coolant. It is acceptable with some manufacturers to top-off a HD NOAT type coolant with a HD NF OAT coolant. Always consult the OE Manufacturers recommended cooling system maintenance practices. Recommended Practice For Topping Off A HD Cooling System Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser Part Number: HD100 Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 3 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation HD Cooling System Antifreeze/Coolant Label Location and Identification To locate the antifreeze/coolant label on a HD cooling system visually inspect the areas listed below: ⢠Radiator near the radiator cap. ⢠Side tanks of the radiator near the top. The label would most likely be located on the passengerâs side of the radiator. ⢠On the surge tank (cooling system reservoir tank) Below are a few examples of labels. Compatibility chart is located on Page 12. Fully Formulated Heavy Duty Coolant colors may be: ⢠Purple ⢠Pink ⢠Blue (Cummins) ⢠Green (Sold in Canada) Top-off with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Extended Service Interval Antifreeze/Coolant - Purple OR Flush and Refill with Prestone Command ® HD Nitrite Free Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant NOAT Heavy Duty Extended Life Coolant color may be: ⢠Red (most widely used color) ⢠Other colors may be used, but it will state HD ELC coolant on label Important: Read label carefully. NOAT ELC coolant label will not state Nitrite Free OAT. Top-off with Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant - Red or Prestone Command ® HD Nitrite Free Extended Life Antifreeze/ Coolant - Yellow OR Flush and Refill with Prestone Command ® HD Nitrite Free Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant OAT Nitrite Free Heavy Duty Extended Life Coolant color may be: ⢠Red (most widely used color for over-the-road Tractors) ⢠Yellow or Blue (some over-the-road, construction, and ag equipment) ⢠Important: Read label carefully. Label with Nitrite Free OAT ELC coolant will state Nitrite Free OAT. Top-off with Prestone Command ® HD Nitrite Free Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant - Yellow OR Flush and Refill with Prestone Command ® HD Nitrite Free Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 4 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Conversion from an IAT type HD coolant to Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant: (Never open a hot cooling system, wait for the cooling system to cool down before opening) This conversion may be done any time, at the fleetâs discretion. Remove any SCA release filters first and completely flush the cooling system with water two to three times to remove the IAT type coolant. If the cooling system shows signs of contamination utilize Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser during the process and flush the cooling system with water to remove the chemical flush cleaner and contaminates. It is preferred (if equipped) to unscrew and remove all of the engine cooling system drain plugs (including block drains) to completely drain all flush water from the cooling system. An engine could hold, up to, 15% - 25% of contaminated coolant or flush water. The next few pages describe recommended testing procedures to determine if the cooling system needs maintenance or if a conversion is recommended from an IAT type coolant to Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. HD Coolant Conversion Notes: Recommended HD Coolant Test Equipment, Water Analysis & HD Coolant Test Strips AFC200 Refractometer Accurately test Freeze Point & DEF Concentration Part# AFC220 HD IAT Coolant Test Strips Measures: Nitrite, % Glycol, & pH Part# AFC240 HD OAT ELC Coolant Test Strips Measures: % Glycol, % OAT Inhibitor, Nitrite, & pH Part# AFC210 Water Quality Test Strips Measures: Hardness, pH & Chloride Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Page 5 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Technical Service Bulletin PCTSB-2017-01 Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Page 6 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Technical Service Bulletin PCTSB-2017-01 Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 7 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Use test results from pages 5 & 6 to make determinations (see below) âMaking Determinationsâ ONLY APPLY to CONVENTIONAL IAT COOLANTS ⢠It is not recommended to add current NOAT or NF OAT coolants to a conventional IAT fluid. ⢠Make all fluid determinations before making concentration or level adjustments. NOTE: When using test strips follow the test instructions on the test strip card or bottle. (When using Prestone test strips it is advisable to use the color standards on the cards) Warning: Do not open the cooling system if engine is hot! Wear gloves, if skin contacts fluid wash immediately. TEST INSTRUCTIONS Collect coolant sample from the radiator or petcock at room temperature. Remove a strip from the bottle (do not touch pads on strip). Dip the strip in coolant sample for 2 seconds. Remove and shake strip briskly to remove excess liquid. Hold strip level and wait 20 seconds, then match Freeze Point and pH to color chart. After 1 minute, match Nitrite to color chart. Prestone Command test strip AFC220 should only be used for purple IAT/ESI fully formulated HD coolants. Making Determinations: 1. If the pH level is below 8.0: ⢠Remove any SCA filters and flush the cooling system with water and fill with new coolant, preferably Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. 2. If the pH level is between 8.0 â 11.0 and the nitrite level is between 1200 and 3000: ⢠The fluid is OK. ⢠If needed top off with Prestone Command ® HD Extended Service Interval Antifreeze/Coolant or water to adjust the level and concentration. 3. If the pH level is between 8.0 â 11.0 and the nitrite level is below 1200: ⢠Remove any SCA filters and flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. 4. If the pH level is above 11.0: ⢠Remove any SCA filters and flush the cooling system with water and fill with new coolant, preferably with Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. When utilizing Test Strips do not use the above color chart. Use the color chart on the Test Strip Bottle or individual card. HD Conventional Coolant (IAT) Testing Fluid Conversion/Maintenance Plan Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 8 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Use test results from pages 5 & 6 to make determinations (see below) âMaking Determinationsâ ONLY APPLY to HD Extended Life COOLANT (NOAT) ⢠Never use SCA filters with current HD Extended Life Coolant (NOAT). ⢠Make all fluid determinations before making concentration or level adjustments. NOTE: When using test strips follow test instructions on the test strip card or bottle. (When using Prestone test strips it is advisable to use the color standards on the cards) Warning: Do not open the cooling system if engine is hot! Wear gloves, if skin contacts fluid wash immediately. TEST INSTRUCTIONS Collect coolant sample from the radiator or petcock at room temperature. Remove a test strip from the bottle. DO NOT touch the pads at the end of the strip. Dip the strip in coolant sample for 2 seconds. Remove and shake strip briskly to remove excess liquid. Wait 45 seconds, then match to the RED numbers on the color chart. Complete color matching within 20 seconds. Prestone Command test strip AFC240 should only be used for red or yellow NOAT or NF OAT HD coolants. Making Determinations: 1. If the pH level is below 7.0: ⢠Full fluid analyses are required, or flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser , then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. 2. If the pH level is between 7.0 - 10.0 and the nitrite level is between 500 - 800: ⢠The coolant is OK. ⢠If needed top off with the correct amount of Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or water to adjust the level and concentration. 3. If the pH level is between 7.0 â 10.0 and the nitrite level is above 800: ⢠Flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/ Coolant. 4. If the pH level is above 10: ⢠Flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/ Coolant. Part # AFC240 test strips are for Organic Acid Coolants ONLY, NOT for use with convention silicate (IAT) or hybrid organic acid coolants (HOAT). When utilizing Test Strips do not use the above color chart. Use the color chart on the Test Strip Bottle or individual card. HD EXTENDED LIFE COOLANT (NOAT) Testing Fluid Conversion/Maintenance Plan Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 9 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Use test results from pages 5 & 6 to make determinations. (see below) âMaking Determinationsâ ONLY APPLY to HD NF Extended Life COOLANT (NF OAT). Confirm HD NF OAT color could be RED or YELLOW. ⢠Never use SCA filters with current HD NF Extended Life Coolant (NF OAT). ⢠Make all fluid determinations before making concentration or level adjustments. NOTE: When using test strips follow test instructions on the test strip card or bottle. (When using Prestone test strips it is advisable to use the color standards on the cards) Warning: Do not open the cooling system if engine is hot! Wear gloves, if skin contacts fluid wash immediately. TEST INSTRUCTIONS Collect coolant sample from the radiator or petcock at room temperature. Remove a test strip from the bottle. DO NOT touch the pads at the end of the strip. Dip the strip in coolant sample for 2 seconds. Remove and shake strip briskly to remove excess liquid. Wait 45 seconds, then match to the BLACK numbers on the color chart if the coolant color is YELLOW or match to the RED numbers on the color chart if the coolant color is RED. Complete color matching within 20 seconds. Prestone Command test strip AFC240 should only be used for red or yellow NOAT or NF OAT HD coolants. Making Determinations: 1. If the pH level is below 7.0: ⢠Full fluid analyses are required, or flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. 2. If the pH level is between 7.0 - 10.0 and the nitrite level is below 500: ⢠The coolant is OK. ⢠If needed top off with the correct amount of Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant or water to adjust the level and concentration. 3. If the pH level is between 7.0 â 10.0 and the nitrite level is above 500: ⢠Flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. 4. If the pH level is above 10: ⢠Flush the cooling system with water and refill with new Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. ⢠If the cooling system shows visible signs of contamination flush the system with Prestone Command ® Heavy Duty Cooling System 2in1 Flush & Degreaser, then flush with water to remove chemical flush solvent and refill with Prestone Command ® HD NF Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant. Part # AFC240 test strips are for Organic Acid Coolants ONLY, NOT for use with convention silicate (IAT) or hybrid organic acid coolants (HOAT). When utilizing Test Strips do not use the above color chart. Use the color chart on the Test Strip Bottle or individual card. HD NITRITE FREE EXTENDED LIFE COOLANT (NF OAT) Testing Fluid Conversion/Maintenance Plan Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 10 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Importance of Water Quality Testing Water Source When you use water to mix with antifreeze/coolant concentrate it is critical that the water be of the appropriate quality. Why should you check water quality? The quality of water can have a negative effect on the life and performance of the antifreeze/coolant by introducing excessive levels of corrosive ions, hard water salts, or pH destabilizing materials. Water quality is critical in order to prevent scale build-up and ensure that important chemicals in antifreeze/coolant mix- tures perform as expected and do not drop out of solution. Hardness Levels Water hardness level is determined by calcium and magnesium carbonate ion content. When water with high hardness is used in cooling systems, scale can form on cooling system surfaces and prevent efficient heat transfer. The net result can be excessive heat buildup leading to overheating, oil degradation, etc. pH Levels pH should remain in the appropriate range at all times. A pH that is too low or too high can destabilize the coolant inhibitor package causing the inhibitors to fall out of solution and in some cases form unstable gels. Any lost inhibitors can shorten the life of the coolant and reduce the corrosion protection provided by the coolant. If the pH of your water is too high or too low it should not be used to mix with antifreeze concentrates. Chloride Levels High chloride levels in water (sodium chloride) can increase the corrosion rate of aluminum and iron metal surfaces resulting in the depletion of important corrosion inhibitors out of the coolant. The net result is a reduction of corrosion protection of the engine cooling system. TEST INSTRUCTIONS Collect a water sample in a clean cup (about 8 oz.). Water sample must be between 50°F (10°C) and 130°F (54°C). Remove a strip from the bottle, DO NOT touch the pads at the end of the strip. Dip the strip in water sample for 5 seconds with a gentle, back and forth motion. Remove and shake strip briskly to remove excess liquid. Wait 25 seconds, then match Hardness and Chloride to the color chart. Match pH colors at 1 minute. When utilizing Test Strips do not use the above color chart. Use the color chart on the Test Strip Bottle or individual card. Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA== 10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017 Technical Service Bulletin Page 11 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation Made with FlippingBook RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MTEyNjY3NA==